Cátedra UNESCO: Educación Digital Escalable para Todos

Carlos Delgado Kloos, director de la Cátedra UNESCO, participa en el evento «LWMOOCS VI ‘Learning with MOOCS 2019’»

Carlos Delgado Kloos, director de la Cátedra UNESCO, participa en el evento «LWMOOCS VI ‘Learning with MOOCS 2019’» celebrado los días 23-25 de octubre de 2019 en Milwaukee, Estados Unidos, con dos presentaciones:

«MOOCs for Development: Experience from the MOOC-Maker and COMPETEN-SEA Projects»
Resumen: The fact that most MOOCs learners are educated people from developed countries does not mean that MOOC are not useful in developing contexts. In fact they are useful and they are used. This talk will report on two recent projects funded by the European Commission. One is the MOOC-Maker project with Latin America and the other one COMPETEN-SEA in South East Asia. The talk will report on the opportunities and challenges in carrying out MOOC education in these regions.

«Taxonomy of MOOC-Based Hybrid Educational Models in Higher Education»
Resumen: In the last decade MOOCs have been leading the modernization of Higher Education, going from traditional teaching and learning models to hybrid teaching and learning models. The opportunities afforded by MOOCs (and the technologies arising from MOOCs) are endless, and the new hybrid models defined so far are still in an early stage. A new taxonomy that allows organizing these hybrid models in three broad categories (sequential composition, parallel composition and interleaved composition) is proposed here with the aim to help teachers and institutions to identify models that suit their needs and apply them in their practices.


Así mismo, IBL News, patrocinador de la conferencia, entrevistó al Prof. Carlos Delgado Kloos, destacando que el MOOC Introduction to Java Programming ha alcanzado 500,000 estudiantes registrados.