Cátedra UNESCO: Educación Digital Escalable para Todos

La Cátedra UNESCO participa en el evento EMOOCS 2019

Los cursos en línea masivos abiertos (MOOCs) han marcado un hito en el uso de la tecnología para la educación. El alcance, el potencial y las posibilidades de los MOOC son inmensos. Pero no sólo se limitan al alcance global: la misma tecnología puede utilizarse para mejorar la enseñanza en el campus y la formación en empresas e instituciones.

La Cátedra UNESCO participa en el evento EMOOCS 2019, European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, organizada por la University of Naples Federico II, Italia, los días 20 – 22 de mayo de 2019.

Carlos Delgado Kloos, director de la Cátedra UNESCO, participa como Research Track Chair.


The Higher Education landscape is changing. As the information economy progresses, demand for a more highly, and differently, qualified workforce increases, and HE Institutions face the challenge of reskilling and upskilling people throughout their lives. The corporate and NGO sectors are themselves exploring the benefits of a more qualified online approach to training, and are entering the education market in collaboration with HE Institutions, but also autonomously or via new certifying agencies. Technology is the other significant player in this scenario. It allows for new, data-driven ways of measuring learning outcomes, new curriculum structures and alternative forms of recruitment strategy via people analytics.

MOOCs represent the crossroads where the three converge. Come to EMOOCs 2019 and explore the impact and future direction of open, online education on a social, political and institutional level.